Given the vectors (x[1],...,x[n]) and (y[0],y[1],...,y[n]) (one value more!), stepfun(x, y) returns an interpolating step function, say f_n. This is the cadlag version (right = FALSE) of the stepfun function from package stats. The step function value f_n(t) equals to the constant y[k-1] for t in [x[k-1], x[k]) so that $$f_n(t) = \sum_{k=1}^{n+1} y_{k-1} {1}_{[x_{k-1}, x_{k})}(t),$$ with\(x_0=-\infty\) and \(x_{n+1}=+\infty\).

stepfun(x, y)



Numeric vector giving the knots or jump locations of the step function. Must be sorted with unique values.


Numeric vector one longer than x, giving the heights of the function values between the cx values.


Objet of class stepfun with option right = FALSE (cadlag function).


This function is defined for documentation purposes only. See stepfun and approxfun.

A C++ version of this function is available. See vignette('IBMPopSim_cpp') for more details.

See also