This function creates an Individual Based Model describing the population, events which can occur in the population, and the model parameters.
characteristics = NULL,
parameters = NULL,
with_compilation = TRUE
List containing names and types of characteristics of individuals in the population. See get_characteristics
List of events in the model. See mk_event_poisson
, mk_event_inhomogeneous_poisson
, mk_event_individual
, and mk_event_interaction
Model parameters. A list of parameters of the model.
(Optional) Logical parameter, TRUE
by default. If FALSE
the sourceCpp
function is not called.
model List containing the built model :
: Names and types (R and C++) of characteristics.
: Names and types (R and C++) of model parameters.
: List of events.
: Output of C++ compilation.
It builds the C++ model code and produces the function popsim_cpp
which will be used for simulating the model. The function used to simulate a population from a model is popsim
# \donttest{
params <- list("p_male"= 0.51,
"birth_rate" = stepfun(c(15,40),c(0,0.05,0)),
"death_rate" = gompertz(0.008,0.02))
death_event <- mk_event_individual(type = "death",
intensity_code = "result = death_rate(age(I,t));")
birth_event <- mk_event_individual(type = 'birth',
intensity_code = "if (I.male) result = 0;
else result=birth_rate(age(I,t));",
kernel_code = "newI.male = CUnif(0, 1) < p_male;")
model <- mk_model(characteristics = get_characteristics(population(EW_pop_14$sample)),
events = list(death_event,birth_event),
parameters = params)
#> Events description:
#> [[1]]
#> Event class : individual
#> Event type : death
#> Event name : death
#> Intensity code : 'result = death_rate(age(I,t));'
#> Kernel code : ''
#> [[2]]
#> Event class : individual
#> Event type : birth
#> Event name : birth
#> Intensity code : 'if (I.male) result = 0;
#> else result=birth_rate(age(I,t));'
#> Kernel code : 'newI.male = CUnif(0, 1) < p_male;'
#> ---------------------------------------
#> Individual description:
#> names: birth death male
#> R types: double double logical
#> C types: double double bool
#> ---------------------------------------
#> R parameters available in C++ code:
#> names: p_male birth_rate death_rate
#> R types: double closure closure
#> C types: double function_x function_x
# }